Saturday 25 May 2013

Is it worth it? Being a “NICE GUY”…

(This post is from a few years back when I was struggling with a lot of uncertainties. It's still more or less a classic, so you can check it out...)

Is it really worth it?
Honestly? I can’t say for sure anymore.

Let me tell you what people think about 'Nice Guys'. Nice guys make sacrifices. Nice guys relinquish all pleasure and ignore their desires to please people. Nice guys don’t DO danger. Nice guys don’t go after girls/ladies – oh no, NEVER {rolls-eyes}. Nice guys are safe to be around. Nice guys never “go too far”. Nice guys get kicked around like tires and do nothing about it. Nice guys will open the door for you, give up their seat for you, buy you a free meal and never remind you of it, keep a polite distance away and NEVER come too close, say the nicest words and never have alternative thoughts, never take advantage of you or circumstances, are always in good cheer and seem never to get angry. All in all, basically – Nice guys are nice.