Thursday, 11 September 2014

Why do we expected to be treated in this world any better than Jesus was?

If Jesus suffered in this world to live the right way, then you must also know that you shall suffer also to be his follower. 

If Jesus was spat upon, insulted, disregarded, and even killed
by the world that He came to save, and
we're then followers of that same Christ Jesus, then we should expect to be hated by the world, but yet accept even then, that as He conquered the world and overcame it, so then can we also conquer this world and overcome it. :)

Tested by fire like gold and silver
Tested by trials unlike those who pilfer
Tested for love, honor and truth
Tested for what passes through tongue and tooth
Tested is me, and also tested is ye
Tested to be sure we truly want to be free...

picture from

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